Over the years I have seen and heard young men and women
complain about the various forms of pressure from their parents/guardians on
issues ranging from what to wear, friends to keep, what to do or not to do,
etc. The most
pronounced is the choice of career!
It is a parent’s pride to tell friends and families that: my
son/daughter is a doctor, lawyer, pharmacist, banker, etc. Success it’s said to
have many friends and it’s a good thing to want your wards to be successful, no
doubt. But the effect on the child, the ability/requirement for such endeavour and the personality type of the child are never considered. Most of the time,
parents often hide under two (3) excuses:
1. Parents are older and therefore more
experienced. In essence, they know better!
2. The parents’ efforts are always in
the interest of the child/ward
3. We are helping live your dreams
I remember when I was in secondary school, the role of Guidance Counselling Officer or teacher is to help students determine or guide in the
choice of career best suited for the students in line with the traits and
characteristics of the students. I doubt if such still exists!
The truth is that aside from most parents influencing the
career choices of their children either to relive what they lost growing up, parents
are more concerned with what friends and families will say. Most
children/students are also culpable. The pride and pressure of being an undergraduate
have pushed some into courses that have no bearing to their traits, have no
commercial value, etc. This is why most people go to school just to get the
certificate which they will never use or a clue as to the value of the said
Upon graduation, all they want is “a job” irrespective of
their core area of study or qualification. The drive or believe is just get a
qualification without considering the viability of the qualification,
continuity, ability to grow, satisfaction, drive, etc. I can say with all
certainty that the bulk of university/polytechnic graduates cannot defend their
qualifications. Now we all read to pass and not to learn as learning is no
longer fun.
The Indian film titled “The 3 Idiots” brought
to fore this conflict between parents and their wards. It took 2 or 3 students committing
suicide for their failure to measure up to their parents’ demand to be an
engineer for another student to finally follow his dreams as a photographer
(became world recognized) after 3 years in University studying Engineering. He
was always the last in the class as he could not measure up.
In choosing a career
or deciding which part to take in life (also applies to adults alike), the
following should be considered, which has to do with determining your strength
and weaknesses:
1. Personality trait: introvert or extrovert, calm or aggressive, organized or
disorganized, determine or not, etc.
2. Interest/habits: meeting people, talking, reading, creative, sociable, etc.
3. Academic prowess: what subjects am I good at, what is my core strength; arts,
science or commercial, etc.
4. Skills acquired: other areas or activities good at and acquired over time
5. Attitude: positive or negative, always eager to learn or help others, goal
getter, determined, etc.
6. Motivation/Drive: what motivates, area of passion, things you enjoy doing,
7. Vision:
goals and aspirations, desires for the future, etc.
8. Usefulness/Viability: what can you do with the degree, can it qualify as a career
(can continue to practice after retirement, can practice everywhere, can earn
revenue from doing it, etc.)
Whatever the decision, these factors will help reduce future
regrets, pain and embarrassment. The parents will be happy with the success of
their children and the children will also be happy doing what they love and
have passion for.
It is never too late to make amends, re-profile yourself,
your children and students, determine their passion and love and help them
achieve their dreams. You will forever be appreciated. Mr. Ewa of FGC, Wukari,
Thank you!
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