Without creating necessary alternatives and necessary
opportunity for the remaining 99, they will eventually be kicked out of the
organization into unemployment. It then becomes a made race for the top, making
it a free for all battle of supremacy and players resorting to ethical,
unethical, orthodox and unorthodox means of achieving their goals. It is
however unfortunate that in most cases the just and most qualified don’t always
get the position. Aside from the hard skills required for the job, the soft
skills become more important and the focus point as you climb the corporate ladder.
The irony is that the person that eventually won the race
will eventually be shown the door either willingly or otherwise. Knowing that
this change is inevitable, people still find it difficult to plan for the
eventualities. Our failure to face reality is not only detrimental to us but to
our families as a whole.
I appreciate the fact that we all can’t be entrepreneurs
however planning ahead for the eventual exit is for the wise. The following steps
can be adopted to make the transition smooth and easy:
1. Test Reality: do a self-appraisal of yourself and current situation; identify
your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, challenges. This has to be done in
conjunction with your personality, traits and aspirations. Determine which
works better for you either as an employee or a business owner. Seek knowledge,
carry our research and ask questions to be able to make an informed decision
before taking the plunge. Make sure your 3 elements: body, soul and spirit are
in agreement.
2. Prepare for it: once the three elements are in agreement, set out an
implementation framework that will highlight various milestones and time frame.
Discuss with mentors, people and associates who are more experienced and knowledgeable
in what you have chosen. Research and update yourself on current happenings and
how you can improve yourself. Document your ideas and start saving towards its
whether for starting your own business or as a retirement fund. Discipline is
however paramount to stick to the schedule and plan as laid out or documented.
3. Determine your exit point: select a time frame for exit from your current
status either to retire from active employment or change from an employee to an
employer. Your current age, environment, reality and opportunity available have
a lot to play in determining the duration and nature of exit. This has to be SMART (if I am permitted to use this
word) supported with regular reviews to correct deviations and make necessary
adjustment as dictated by happenings either within or outside your control.
4. Focus:
there would be distractions mostly from friends and family members. Remember
every great idea initially started as a crazy one. Keep your eyes on the goal
and never allow any negativism or pessimism to dissuade you. Listen but review
all suggestions to determine their viability. The importance of knowledge like
I said earlier cannot be over emphasized as your ability to make insightful
decisions is highly dependent on the depth of your knowledge.
Remember, he who fails
to plan, plans to fail! It is not by choice but by compulsion as the
inevitable must surely happen. You will be shown the door eventually and at
that point, what can you do in such a confused state. Start planning early to
avoid all the associated pain and disappointment. Like death, it can happen
suddenly and without adequate preparation, imagine what your family and loved
one will be forced to endure; children thrown out of school, stress from the
owner of your property, broken home, ill-health, loneliness, etc.
It’s time to get up! Start listing your strength and
weaknesses, opportunities and possible threats. Put in place measures to
sharpen your strength and convert those weaknesses to strengths. Be observant
of the opportunities around you and juxtapose with your personality traits for
proper alignment. On the opportunities identified, start working on how this
can be maximized. I was once told that: Good luck = Preparation x Opportunity = Success!
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