Motivation is directly linked to the morale, attitude and
disposition of staff and in turn have dire consequences on the goals attainment
and work ethics. Motivate have different meaning to individuals and its
application also differ. To some, motivation is all about financial gain, to
some simple appreciation or follow-up by the leadership and others recognition.
Each leader must be able to identify the peculiarities of their staff and apply
as appropriate.
Management simply means getting things done through and with
others. This means a diverse human resource with diverse background, morals,
dispositions, etc. is needed to work together in harmony and with the right
attitude for the separate individual goals and corporate goals to be achieved.
It involves organization, getting them to believe in your vision and trusting
you enough to committing to the achievement of the vision. Managers and leaders
must therefore be sensitive to the built, psychology, aspirations and needs of
all those involved if the set goals and objectives are to be achieved.
There are different motivational theories than can be
employed: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Theory X and Y, Herzberg two factor theory,
ERG, Acquired needs theory by McClelland, Goal Setting theory by Edwin Locke,
Reinforcement Theory, cognitive theory, expectancy theory, etc. The basic truth
is that all these theories seek to inspire people to increase their desire to
do more for the overall benefit of the organization.
Desire to motivate is however fast disappearing in
organizations, especially the Small and Medium Enterprises. The fallacy is that
praising/encouraging the staff might over boost their ego believing that staff
needed to be pushed and harassed to perform. (The extreme of Theory Y). They
usually create an environment to make the staff believe they are not doing
enough to push them to do more. Salaries are deducted at the slightest excuse,
staff are bullied, abused and mistreated (employers’ market). This is usually
without cognizance of the damage to the enthusiasm, drive and dedication of
such staff and the effect on the organization as a whole.
I can readily say most of employees are dejected,
demotivated, demoralized and with low self-esteem. Focus is just to do enough
to retain their jobs which has promoted sycophancy among the staff in a bid to
remain in the good books of the Boss and sufficient thick skin to withstand the
abuse and torture.
To motivate therefore, in simple terms requires:
- Alignment of purpose between that of the organization and that of the staff
- Identify driver of each staff and what makes them tick.
- Complement openly and chastise privately except where there is a learning point which must however be subtle
- There must be parity and fairness in dissemination of reward and punishment
- Engage the staff and create an environment where the staff feels at home. Remember Together Everyone Achieves More
- Be empathic to the feelings and pains of your staff. Show that you care!
- Be civil in your approach and don’t be a bully
“Do unto others as you want them do unto you” should be the watch word!
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